Pradosh Vrat in 2022: Knowing the Dates and Significance

Pradosh Vrat, also known as Pradosham, is a highly auspicious fasting observed by Hindus dedicated to Lord Shiva. It falls on the 13th day of each lunar fortnight, specifically during the waxing and waning phases of the moon. Devotees believe that observing Pradosh Vrat can bring blessings, remove obstacles, and fulfill desires. In 2022, there are multiple dates when Pradosh Vrat will be observed.

Importance of Pradosh Vrat

Pradosh Vrat holds immense significance in Hindu mythology and scriptures. It is believed that on this day, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are in a highly receptive and benevolent mood, ready to fulfill the wishes of their devotees. Observing this fast with dedication and sincerity is said to bring peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

Pradosh Vrat Dates in 2022

यहां 2022 में Pradosh Vrat के दिनों की सूची दी गई है:

January 2022:
January 5 (Wednesday)
January 20 (Thursday)

February 2022:
February 3 (Thursday)
February 18 (Friday)

March 2022:
March 5 (Saturday)
March 19 (Saturday)

April 2022:
April 3 (Sunday)
April 18 (Monday)

May 2022:
May 3 (Tuesday)
May 18 (Wednesday)

June 2022:
June 2 (Thursday)
June 17 (Friday)

July 2022:
July 2 (Saturday)
July 16 (Saturday)

August 2022:
August 1 (Monday)
August 15 (Monday)

September 2022:
September 29 (Thursday)

October 2022:
October 14 (Friday)
October 29 (Saturday)

November 2022:
November 12 (Saturday)
November 28 (Monday)

December 2022:
December 12 (Monday)
December 27 (Tuesday)

Rituals and Observances of Pradosh Vrat

इस पवित्र व्रत को मान्यता से और विधिवत अवश्य पूर्ण करना चाहिए। Pradosh Vrat के दिन निम्नलिखित कार्यक्रम किए जाते हैं:

  1. स्नान (Bathing): Devotees should take a ritual bath during the Pradosh Vrat day to purify themselves physically and spiritually.

  2. मंत्र-जप (Chanting Mantras): Reciting prayers and mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva is essential during this fast. The chanting of ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is highly recommended.

  3. पूजा अर्चना (Worship): Setting up a small altar with Shiva Linga or idol, offering flowers, fruits, and milk to Lord Shiva is customary during the evening of Pradosh Vrat.

  4. व्रत उपवास (Fasting): Observing a fast from sunrise to sunset is a crucial aspect of Pradosh Vrat. Some devotees also undertake a waterless fast for heightened spiritual benefits.

  5. प्रदान (Donations): Giving alms to the poor and needy is considered auspicious on Pradosh Vrat. It is believed to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva.

Significance of Pradosh Vrat for Devotees

Pradosh Vrat holds a special place in the hearts of devotees of Lord Shiva. It is believed that observing this fast with sincerity and devotion can bring about the following benefits:

  • Blessings of Lord Shiva: By observing Pradosh Vrat, devotees seek the blessings of Lord Shiva for health, prosperity, and protection from evil forces.
  • Fulfillment of Wishes: It is believed that sincere prayers and fasting during Pradosh Vrat can help devotees fulfill their desires and aspirations.
  • Spiritual Growth: The practice of fasting and prayer helps individuals in spiritual introspection, leading to personal growth and self-realization.
  • Removal of Obstacles: Devotees believe that observing Pradosh Vrat can help remove obstacles and challenges from their lives.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can anyone observe Pradosh Vrat, or are there any restrictions?
A1: Pradosh Vrat can be observed by anyone irrespective of gender or age. There are no strict restrictions, but sincerity and devotion are essential.

Q2: Can pregnant women or individuals with health issues observe Pradosh Vrat?
A2: Pregnant women or those with health issues should consult a doctor before fasting. They can modify the fast by consuming fruits or milk if needed.

Q3: What is the best time to break the fast during Pradosh Vrat?
A3: The fast is ideally broken after performing the evening prayers and rituals, usually after sunset.

Q4: Is it necessary to visit a temple on Pradosh Vrat, or can the prayers be done at home?
A4: While visiting a temple is encouraged, devotees can also perform prayers and rituals at home with devotion and faith.

Q5: What are the benefits of observing Pradosh Vrat regularly?
A5: Regular observance of Pradosh Vrat is said to bring peace of mind, spiritual upliftment, and fulfillment of desires over time.

Q6: Can non-Hindus observe Pradosh Vrat?
A6: Pradosh Vrat is primarily a Hindu observance, but individuals from all backgrounds are welcome to participate if they resonate with the practice and beliefs.

Q7: Are there any specific foods that should be consumed or avoided during Pradosh Vrat?
A7: Devotees usually consume sattvic (pure) vegetarian food and avoid onions, garlic, and non-vegetarian items during the fast.

Q8: Is it necessary to maintain celibacy during Pradosh Vrat?
A8: While celibacy is not mandatory, practicing self-control and focusing on spiritual thoughts and activities is recommended.

Q9: Can one perform special prayers or rituals during Pradosh Vrat for specific intentions or desires?
A9: Devotees can perform additional prayers or rituals during Pradosh Vrat for specific intentions or desires with a pure heart and devotion.

Q10: What is the symbolic significance of the timing of Pradosh Vrat in the evening?
A10: The evening timing of Pradosh Vrat is considered highly auspicious as it is believed to be the time when Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati bestow their blessings abundantly.


Pradosh Vrat is a sacred observance that allows devotees to deepen their connection with Lord Shiva and seek his divine grace. Through fasting, prayers, and rituals, individuals can nurture their spiritual growth, overcome obstacles, and experience peace and prosperity in their lives. By following the prescribed practices with sincerity and devotion, devotees can harness the immense blessings and benefits associated with Pradosh Vrat throughout the year.


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